About Elsevier Text Mining

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Whether trying to repurpose a drug, identify novel therapeutic targets, monitor adverse effects, or discover areas of future investment, life science organizations are looking to uncover insights from a seemingly infinite sea of data. The key to success is to find a partner that can not only process unstructured text, but also provide the content and expertise necessary to help get answers to your research questions.


Text is collected from published (full text from journals) and proprietary (your) sources.


Relevant vocabularies are applied to Elsevier's NLP engine to identify entities and extract semantic relationships.


Results can be viewed on the web, in a report, or imported into existing analysis tools via APIs.

The best knowledge-mining solution is an integrated one

Our solution starts with understanding your specific business need. Our team of consultants can help you translate that need into information requirements. Then, we apply domain-specific vocabularies and true linguistic analysis to harmonize, analyze, and interpret relevant information.


We will provide and mine full text from Elsevier and non-Elsevier journals, as well as your own content sources (E-notebooks, technology reports, clinical reports, and others).


Our taxonomies are highly curated, fine-tuned, and domain-specific, covering diverse areas such as pathways, biomarkers, chemical effects, and oncology. We can also create custom taxonomies/vocabularies to meet your specific research interests

Natural Language Processing

The added value of the Elsevier solution lies in algorithms that are designed to look for indirect or non-obvious correlations in data in specific areas of research, building on trusted content and high levels of subject expertise.

Our solution can be incorporated into your ecosystem

The text mining results can be delivered, accessed, and integrated based on your specifications. Whether you want to import the results into existing analysis tools, view the information via a web interface, or receive a formatted report, we will ensure that you receive the analysis results in the best format for your needs.

Contact Us

Please contact us for more information or to request a demonstration.

Interested In Seeing a Demo?

Contact us - we would love to show you what Elsevier Text Mining can do and answer your questions.